JUMP TODeveloper DashboardWelcome to Famasi Dispensary APIs!Error referencesError CodesFamasi Providers' APIStockFetch stock from a branchgetFetch all stock on DispensarygetPharmaciesFetch all pharmaciesgetOrdersEdit a customer's orderputThis API endpoint allows you to create an order based on a specific plan.postThis API endpoint allows you to retrieve all orders placed by a customer within a specific plan.getPlace an order for specific medications on our FormularypostThis endpoint allows you to get all the orders your customers have placed.getPlansCreate a plan from a customer, using provider's plan as basepostThis API endpoint allows you to retrieve all plans associated with a specific customer.getThis API endpoint allows you to retrieve all plans associated with Famasi Africa.getCustomersThis API endpoint allows you to add a customer to Famasi Africa.postThis API endpoint allows you to retrieve all customers associated with Famasi Africa.getThis API endpoint allows you to edit the details of a customer associated with Famasi Africa.putThis API endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific customer associated with Famasi Africa.getFormularyThis API endpoint allows you to retrieve all medications available at Famasi Africa.getAPI keyThis API endpoint allows you to refresh your Famasi Africa authentication token.getStatesThis API endpoint allows you to get delivery prices for your customers.getPowered by Fetch all pharmaciesget http://localhost:5000/api/v1/branch/all